Wolf Membership

Wolf Membership

$25.00 / month

15% of monthly membership is donated to Soldiers Heart

  • Two logins for our private Volley video & chat platform
  • Guaranteed ability to sign up for Venturesome Tribe Meet ups, Gatherings, and Adventures
  • Input for planning Venturesome Tribe Meet ups, Gatherings, and Adventures
  • Private/small group hangouts on our travels
  • One Wolf member featured every quarter in a blog article (If desired)
  • Thank you and recognition on all YouTube long form videos
  • Venturesome Tribe sticker
  • Exclusive Venturesome Tribe t-shirt (after 3 months membership)
  • Access to the private Venturesome Tribe Facebook group
  • Access to the exclusive behind the scenes videos
  • Access to the exclusive Blooper videos

More Membership Options

20% of monthly membership is donated to Soldiers Heart
imited to 100 members

  • Two+ logins for our private Volley video & chat platform
  • Monthly live Google Meet hang outs (Similar to Zoom)
  • Guaranteed ability to sign up for Venturesome Tribe Meet ups, Gatherings, and Adventures
  • Direct input for planning Venturesome Tribe Meet ups, Gatherings, and Adventures
  • Access to our RV Trip Wizard travel schedule
  • Private/small group hangouts on our travels
  • Exclusive Eagle only adventures (Rafting, kayaking, ziplining, fishing, whatever we all come up with!)
  • One Eagle member featured every quarter on Working & Wandering podcast or a blog article (If desired)
  • Thank you and recognition on all YouTube long form videos
  • Venturesome Tribe sticker
  • Exclusive Venturesome Tribe Eagle t-shirt (after 3 months membership)
  • Exclusive Venturesome Tribe Eagle hat (After 3 months membership)
  • Exclusive Venturesome Tribe Eagle fridge magnet button
  • Access to the private Venturesome Tribe Facebook group
  • Access to the exclusive behind the scenes videos
  • Access to the exclusive Blooper videos
  • Direct input on any other features you may want to be included in the Eagle level

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